题 目:Biomemetic Pharmaceuticals degeneration and insight for green drug design
  时 间:2016年9月22日(星期四)15:30-16:30
  地 点:朝晖校区新教1202
  Green chemistry aims at seeking sustainable solutions for chemical products and processes. Chemicals and chemical products with specific functional needs have touched almost every corner of our life. To meet certain functionality need, new molecules come to the world with designed properties and missions. However, the complex entanglement between the chemistry and biology lot of times defies the reductive mode of thinking with unintended biological consequences upon exposure to chemicals. Pharmaceuticals represent a special category of chemicals that possess two faces depending on the subjects they interact with. Once therapeutic agents may transform into ecological harmful substances after finding their ways to the environment. Recent reports have shown detectable pharmaceutical residues in a variety of water bodies, including tap water and have given rise to a number of biological disasters. This disturbing factor along with many others, such as energy crisis, climate change, are standing in the way between us and sustainable development. Hence, an urgent call for alternative benign chemicals appears in academic arena. In this talk, I would like present two case studies of biomimic degradation of pharmaceuticals to shed light on biological transformation of chemicals and infer benign design based on these observations.
  沈龙珠博士,耶鲁大学绿色化学与工程中心研究室研究员。沈博士2002在西北大学获得生物化学学士学位;2006年在北京工业大学获得计算生物学硕士学位;2012年Carnegie Mellon University获得化学博士学位。期间,专注于研究人工合成小分子模拟P450酶的催化反应,集成理论计算与实验分析手段对抗抑郁药物Zoloft和 Prozac的代谢分解进行过深入研究,捕捉瞬间中间体,揭示反应机制,并提出绿色药物设计初版思想。因工作立意标新,社会意义深远,连续多年荣获R. K. Mellon Presidential奖金支持,并多次受到学校媒体关注报道。还担任美国化学学会(ACS)匹茨堡地区分会环境部主席,在任期间成功申请基金支持可持续发展项目,荣获美国ACS Chemiluminary 奖励。
  博士毕业后进入耶鲁大学绿色化学与工程中心工作,主要负责主持由四所大学联合合作的环境友好分子设计的研究课题,与美国环境保护局(EPA)有密切合作关系。至今,已经在分子设计理论层次获得重大突破,首次实现了环境友好分子设计的概率全局解,两篇奠基性文章已经在英国皇家化学学会(RSC)期刊Green Chemistry上发表,主持了2016 年ACS 绿色化学学术年会分子设计分论坛。此外,在ACS组织的会议期刊上发表过多篇文章及报告,目前已发表SCI论文20余篇。


