关于这个问题,前苹果工程师 Joe Moreno 作出了回答:

The store goes down usually at least a half hour or an hour before the keynote presentation. That gives the engineers at least a couple hours to work out any issues. Even the engineers don’t know what the new product will be. We have catalogers who put the stuff we don’t have access to into the database. Then it takes about 20 minutes and we migrate the new products and code that are in the database into the production database. Then it gets tested and still, at this point, it’s just the catalogers who can see it. The engineers don’t get called in unless there’s a problem. The store is already up before the keynote is over, but you can’t get to it – the caches are preloaded.

via Bussiness Insider (Former Apple Engineer Reveals What’s Going On Behind The Scenes When The Online Store Is Down)


通常情况下,苹果在线商店会在新品发布会开始之前的半个小时或者更久的时候关闭。这为工程师应对可能产生的问题留出了一些时间。在新品揭晓之前,甚至连工程师们都无从知晓。公司有专门的编目工作者将新产品的相关信息录入工程师没有权限访问的数据库。然后工程师在 20 分钟左右的时间里将该数据库中的新产品信息和相关代码迁移至生产数据库。接下来就是测试过程了,在此过程中依然只有编目员才能看到新的产品信息。只有在产生了问题的情况下,工程师才会介入进行解决。在发布会结束之前,在线商店就已经更新完毕,但是这个时候它依然无法访问,访问者只能看到缓存过了的暂时下线提示页面。

— 完 —


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此问题还有 3 个回答,查看全部。
为什么 Apple 网上商店发货(iPad 2)这么慢?
如果苹果在 iPhone 2007 年发布的同时上线 App Store,会有什么不同?
