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Dead bodies are given over to the silent sisters for ritual cleansing (II: 46. BNC)

When someone of the Faith is buried, a crystal is left on their grave (II: 61)

The prayer for the dead begins with, “Father Above, judge [person] justly” (III: 684)

The Stranger is thought to lead the newly dead to the other world (III: 699)

Six silent sisters might attend the bones of a great lord as they travelled in a funeral procession to their place of burial (IV: 226)

Silent sisters remove bowels and organs, as well as drain blood, from corpses in their care. They may also stuff the body with fragrant herbs and salts to preserve it and hide the smell of decomposition (IV: 241)

When someone of the Faith is buried, a crystal is left on their grave (II: 61)

Burial or entombment are customary in the Seven Kingdoms, although some houses send their dead into the sea. The Targaryens always cremated their dead (THK: 529)

Clothes for mourning are always black (I: 455)

A grand funeral for a Hand of the King might include morning services for the deceased with nobles in attendance, afternoon prayers for the commons, and evening prayers open to all (IV: 100)

A dead Hand might be shown in full armor on the stepped marble bier of the Great Sept, with knights standing vigil (IV: 101-102)

The funeral procession of a great lord might include an escort of fifty knights, a number of vassal lords, a hundred crossbowmen, three hundred men-at-arms, and drummers to beat the funeral march. Six silent sisters would ride attendance on the wagon containing his bones (IV: 226-227)

In embalming a body, the bowels, internal organs, and blood are removed and replaced with salt and fragrant herbs. The silent sisters often carry out such tasks (IV: 241)
